Publications of students and staff
Jan Vondrák
Number of records: 12
Jiménez-Mejías, P., Manzano, S., Gowda, V., ... incl. ... Lisner, A., Kaštovský, J., Lepš, J., Vondrák, J., Ekrt, L., Štech, M., Koutecký, P., Hauer, T. et al. 2024. Protecting stable biological nomenclatural systems enables universal communication: A collective international appeal. – Bioscience 74(7): 467–472.
Doležal, J., Dančák, M., Kučera, J., Majeský, L., Altman, J., Řeháková, K., Čapková, Č., Vondrák, J., Fibich, P., Liancourt, P. 2022. Fire, climate and biotic interactions shape diversity patterns along an Afrotropical elevation gradient. Journal of Biogeography, 00, 1–12.
Vondrák, J., Malíček, J., Šoun, J., Pouska, V. 2015. Epiphytic lichens of Stužica (E Slovakia) in the context of Central European old-growth forests. Herzogia 28 (1): 104-126
Vondrák, J., Šoun, J., Søgaard, M. Z., Søchting, U., Arup, U. 2010. Caloplaca phlogina, a lichen with two faces; an example of infraspecific variability resulting in the description of a redundant species. The Lichenologist 42: 685–692.
Vondrák, J., Khodosovtsev, A., Říha, P. 2008. Caloplaca concreticola (Teloschistaceae), a new species from anthropogenic substrata in Eastern Europe. Lichenologist 40: 97-104.
Vondrák, J., Kocourková, J. 2008. New lichenicolous Opegrapha species on Caloplaca from Europe. Lichenologist 40: 171-184.
Vondrák, J., Vitikainen, O. 2008. Typification of names of selected taxa described by Acharius and now placed in Caloplaca. Taxon 57: 975-979.
Vondrák, J., Šoun, J., Hrouzek, P., Říha, P., Kubásek, J., Palice, Z., Sochting, U. 2008. Caloplaca subalpina and C-thracopontica, two new saxicolous species from the Caloplaca cerina group (Teloschistales). Lichenologist 40: 375-386.
Vondrák, J., Šoun, J. 2007. Lichenostigma svandae, a new lichenicolous fungus on Acarospora cervina. Lichenologist 39: 211-216.
Vondrák, J., Kocourková, J., Palice, Z., Liška, J. 2007. New and noteworthy lichens in the Czech Republic - genus Caloplaca. Preslia 79: 163-184.
Vondrák, J., Prach, K. 2006. Occurrence of heliophilous species on isolated rocky outcrops in a forested landscape: relict species or recent arrivals? Preslia 78: 115-122.
Vondrák, J., Šoun, J. 2006. An appraisal of the syntype material of Caloplaca aurantiomurorum (Teloschistaceae, lichenized fungi). Mycotaxon 97: 67-71.