Publications of students and staff
Karel Prach
Number of records: 138
Klára Klinkovská, Marta Gaia Sperandii, Ilona Knollová, Jiří Danihelka, Michal Hájek, Petra Hájková, Zdenka Hroudová, Martin Jiroušek, Jan Lepš, Jana Navrátilová, Tomáš Peterka, Petr Petřík, Karel Prach, Klára Řehounková, Jaroslav Rohel, Vojtěch Sobotka, Michal Vávra, Helge Bruelheide, Milan Chytrý 2025. Half a Century of Temperate Non-Forest Vegetation Changes: No Net Loss in Species Richness, but Considerable Shifts in Taxonomic and Functional Composition. - Global Change Biology, 31:e70030.
Knollová, I., Chytrý, M., Bruelheide, H., ... de Bello, F., .. Dolezal, J., ... Lepš, J., ... Mudrák, O... Prach, K., .. Šmilauer, P., Šmilauerová M. .... 2024. ReSurveyEurope: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe. - Journal of Vegetation Science,
Axmanová, I., Chytrý, K., Boublík, K., Chytrý, M., Dřevojan, P., Ekrtová, E., Fajmon, K., Hájková, P., Härtel, H., Hejda, M., Horáková, V., Jongepier, J. W., Kalníková, V., Kaplan, Z., Koutecký, P., Lustyk, P., Pergl, J., Prach, K., Pyšek, P., Sádlo, J., Vojík, M. & Těšitel, J. 2024. Catalogue of expansive plants of the Czech Republic. – Preslia 96: 299–327
Řehounková, K., Ballesteros, M., Alday, J.G., Nunes, A., Tischew, S., Kirmer, A. and Prach, K. 2023. A comment on “International principles and standards for the ecological restoration and recovery of mine sites”—useful but limited. Restor Ecol e13872.
Chytrý, M., Danihelka, J., Kaplan, Z., Wild, J., Holubová, D., Novotný, P., Řezníčková, M., Rohn, M., Dřevojan, P., Grulich, V., Klimešová, J., Lepš, J., Lososová, Z., Pergl, J., Sádlo, J., Smarda, P., Štěpánková, P., Tichý, L., Axmanová, I., Bartušková, A., Blažek, P., Chrtek, J., Fischer, FM., Wenyong, G., Herben, T., Janovský, Z., Konečná, M., Kühn, I., Moravcová, L., Petřík, P., Pierce, S., Prach, K., Prokešová, H., Štech, M., Těšitel, J., Těšitelová, T., Večeřa, M., Zelený, D., Pyšek, P. 2021. Pladias Database of the Czech Flora and Vegetation. Preslia 93: 1–87.
Vítovcová K., Tichý L, Řehounková K., Prach K. 2021. Which landscape and abiotic site factors influence vegetation succession across seres at a country scale? Journal of Vegetation Science 32:e12950.
Mudrák O., Řehounková K., Vítovcová K., Tichý L., Prach K. 2021. Ability of plant species to colonise human-disturbed habitats: Role of phylogeny and functional traits. Applied Vegetation Science, 24:e12528.
Janečková P., Řehounková K., Vítovcová K., Šebelíková L., Prach K. 2021. Spontaneous succession on road verges – an effective approach with minimun effort. Land Degradation and Development 32 (9) , pp.2726-2734. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3949
Prach K., Fajmon K., Řehounková K. and Jongepierová I. 2021. Hierarchy of environmental factors driving restoration of dry grasslands: a multi-site analysis. Applied Vegetation Science 2021;24:e12576. DOI: 10.1111/avsc.12576
Prach K., Vítovcová K., Řehounková K. & Královec J. 2021. Three decades of vegetation changes in a grassland after cessation of intensive fertilization. Preslia 93: 169–179.
Ballesteros M.. Vítovcová K., Řehounková K., Muellerová A.. Janečková P., Pospíšilová P., Prach K. 2021. Alien species in vegetation succession: participation, temporal trends and determining factors in various central European series. Biol. Invasions 23 (11) , pp.3435-3445. doi 10.1007/s10530-021-02587-4.
Prach K., Ujházy K., Knopp V., Fanta J. 2021. Two centuries of forest succession, and 30 years of vegetation changes in permanent plots in an inland sand dune area, The Netherlands. PLOS ONE
Vítovcová K., Lipárová J., Manukjanová A., Vašutová M., Vrba P., Prach K. 2021. Biodiversity restoration of formerly exctracted raised bogs – vegetation succession and recovery of other trophic groups. Wetlands Ecology and Management
Řehounková K., Jongepierová I., Šebelíková L., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2021. Topsoil removal in degraded open sandy grasslands: Can we restore threatened vegetation fast? Restoration Ecology 29: e13188.
Müllerová A., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2021. Succession of aquatic and littoral vegetation in disused sandpits. Land Degradation & Development 33: 257-268.
Tichý L., Řehounková K., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2020. Central-European vegetation types and their optima along successional gradient. Preslia 92: 341-352.
Šebelíková L., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2020. Vegetation development of forestry reclaimed sand and sand‐gravel pits: is it on a way towards more natural species composition? Restoration Ecology 28: 979-987.
Řehounková K., Vítovcová K. & Prach K. 2020. Threatened vascular plant species in spontaneously revegetated post-mining sites. Restoration Ecology 28: 679-686.
Prach K., Šebelíková L., Řehounková K. & del Moral R. 2020. Possibilities and limitations of passive restoration of heavily disturbed sites. Landscape Research 45: 247-253.
Müllerová A., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2020. What is a reasonable plot size for sampling aquatic vegetation? Aquatic Sciences 82: 68.
Prach K., Walker W.R. 2019. Differences between primary and secondary plant succession among biomes of the world. J. Ecol. 107: 510-516.
Prach K., Šebelíková L., Řehounková K., del Moral R. 2019. Possibilities and limitations of passive restoration of heavily disturbed sites. Landscape Research, DOI: 10.1080/01426397.2019.1593335
Prach K., Chenoweth J., del Moral R. 2019. Spontaneous and assisted restoration of vegetation on the bottom of a former water reservoir, the Elwha River, Olympic National Park, WA, USA. Restoration Ecology 27: 592-599.
Horáčková M., Řehounková K., Prach K 2019. Relationships between vegetation and seed bank in sand pits: effects of different restoration approaches and successional age. Applied Vegetation Science, 22: 282-291.
Šebelíková, L., Csicsek, G., Kirmer, A., Vítovcová K., Ortmann-Ajkai A., Prach K., Řehounková K. 2019. Succession vs. reclamation – vegetation development in coal mining spoil heaps across Central Europe. Land Degradation and Development, 30: 348-356.
Řehounková,K.,Lencová, K., Prach K. 2018. Spontaneous establishment of woodland during succession in a variety of central European disturbed sites.-Ecological Engineering 111: 94–99.
Prach K., Vítovcová K., Řehounková K. & Tichý L. 2018. Co obecného zatím vyplynulo z porovnání sukcesních sérií na antropogenních stanovištích v České republice? Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti 53: 321-326.
Šebelíková, L., Řehounková, K., Prach, K. 2016. Spontaneous revegetation vs. forestry reclamation in post-mining sand pits. - Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23:13598-13605.
Horáčková M., Řehounková K. & Prach K. 2016. Are seed and dispersal characteristics of plants capable of predicting colonization of post-mining sites? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 13617-13625.
Prach, K.,Tichý, L.,Lencová, K.,Adámek, M.,Koutecký, T.,Sádlo, J.,Bartošová, A.,Novák, J.,Kovář, P.,Jírová, A., Šmilauer, P.,Řehounková, K. 2016. Does succession run towards potential natural vegetation? An analysis across seres? Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 515-523
Prach K., Tolvanen A. 2016. How can we restore biodiversity and ecosystem services in mining and industrial sites? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 13587-13590
Prach K., Fajmon K., Jongepierová I. & Řehounková K. 2015. Landscape context in colonization of restored dry grasslands by target species. Applied Vegetation Science 18: 181-189.
Prach K., Karešová P., Jírová A., Dvořáková H., Konvalinková P. & Řehounková K. 2015. Do not neglect surroundings in restoration of disturbed sites. Restoration Ecology 23: 310-314.
Prach, K., Jírová, A., Doležal, J. 2014. Pattern of succession in old-field vegetation at a regional scale. Preslia 86 (2), 119–130
Prach K., Jongepierová I, Řehounková K. & Fajmon K. 2014. Restoration of grasslands on ex-arable land using regional and commercial seed mixtures and spontaneous succession: Successional trajectories and changes in species richness. – Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 182: 131-136.
Prach K., Řehounková K., Lencová K., Jírová A., Konvalinková P., Mudrák O., Študent V., Vaněček Z., Tichý L., Petřík P., Šmilauer P. and Pyšek P. 2014. Vegetation succession in restoration of disturbed sites in Central Europe: the direction of succession and species richness across 19 seres. – Applied Vegetation Science 17:193-200
Kabrna M., Hendrychová M. & Prach K. 2014. Establishment of target and invasive plant species on a reclaimed coal mining dump in relation to their occurrence in the surroundings. – International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 28 : 242-249.
Pavelková Řičánková V., Riegert J., Semančíková E., Hais M., Čejková A. & Prach K. 2014. Habitat preferences in gray marmots (Marmota baibacina). – Acta Theriologica 59: 317-324.
Walker L.R., Hölzel N., Marrs R., del Moral R., Prach K. 2014. Optimization of intervention levels in ecological restoration. - Applied Vegetation Science 17:187-192.
Konvalinková P., Prach K. 2014. Environmental factors determining spontaneous recovery of industrially mined peat bogs: a multi-site analysis. - Ecol. Eng. 69: 38-45.
Prach K., Pyšek P., Řehounková K. 2014. Role of substrate and landscape context in early succession: An experimental approach. - Perspectives in Plant Evol. and Systematics 16: 174-179.
Prach K., Jírová A. and Doležal J. 2014. Pattern of old-field vegetation succession on a country scale. - Preslia 86: 119-130.
Klimešová J., Doležal J., Prach K., Košnar J. 2013. Clonal growth forms in Arctic plants and their habitat preferences: a study from Petuniabukta, Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research 33: 421-442.
de Bello, F., Klimešová, J., Herben, T., Prach, K., Šmilauer, P. 2013. Serious research with great fun: the strange case of Jan Šuspa Lepš (and other plant ecologists). Folia Geobot 48: 297–306.
Prach K., Jongepierová I. & Řehounková K. 2013. Large-scale restoration of dry grasslands on ex-arable land using a regional seed mixture: Establishment of target species. Restoration Ecology 21: 33-39.
Prach K., Lencová K., Řehounková K., Dvořáková H., Jírová A., Konvalinková P., Mudrák O., Novák J. & Trnková R. 2013. Spontaneous vegetation succession at different central European mining sites: a comparison across seres. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20: 7680-7685.
Latzel V., Klimešová J., Doležal J., Pyšek P., Tackenberg O., Prach K. 2011. The association of dispersal and persistence traits of plants with vegetation succession in central European man-made habitats. Folia Geobotanica 46: 281-302.
Prach K., Řehounková K., Řehounek J. & Konvalinková P. 2011. Ecological restoration of central European mining sites: a summary of a multi-site analysis. Landscape Research 36: 263-268.
Řehounková, K., Prach, K. 2010. Life-history traits and habitat preferences of colonizing plant species in long-term spontaneous succession in abandoned gravel-sand pits. – Basic and Appl. Ecol. 11: 45-53 (doi:10.1016/j.baae.2009.06.007)
Bastl, M., Štechová, T., Prach, K. 2009. Effect of disturbance on the vegetation of peat bogs with Pinus rotundata in the Trebon Basin, Czech Republic. Preslia 81: 105-117.
Szabo, R., Prach, K. 2009. Old-field succession related to soil nitrogen and moisture, and the importance of plant species traits. Community Ecology 10: 65-73.
Prach K., Košnar J., Klimešová J., Hais M. 2009. High Arctic vegetation after 70 years: a repeated analysis from Svalbard. - Polar Biol., doi 10.1007/s00300-009-0739-6
Novák J., Prach K. 2009. Artificial sowing of endangered dry grassland species into disused basalt quarries. - Flora 205: 179-183. doi:10.1016/j.flora.2009.03.003
Bastl, M., Burian, M., Kučera, J. Prach, K., Rektoris, L., Štech, M. 2008. Central European pine bogs change along an altitudinal gradient. Preslia 80: 349-363.
Frouz, J., Prach, K., Pižl, V., Hanel, L., Starý, J., Tajovský, K., Materna, J., Balík, V., Kalčík, J., Řehounková, K. 2008. Interactions between soil development, vegetation and soil fauna during spontaneous succession in post mining sites. European Journal of Soil Biology 44: 109-121.
Řehounková, K., Prach, K. 2008. Spontaneous vegetation succession in gravel-sand pits: A potential for restoration. Restoration Ecology 16: 305-312.
Jonášová, M., Prach, K. 2008. The influence of bark beetles outbreak vs. salvage logging on ground layer vegetation in Central European mountain spruce forests. Biological Conservation 141: 1525-1535.
Prach, K. 2008. Vegetation changes in a wet meadow complex during the past half-century. Folia Geobotanica 43: 119-130.
Prach, K., Hobbs, R.J. 2008. Spontaneous succession versus technical reclamation in the restoration of disturbed sites. Restoration Ecology 16: 363-366.
Prach, K., Pyšek, P., Jarošík, V. 2007. Climate and pH as determinants of vegetation succession in Central European man-made habitats. Journal of Vegetation Science 18: 701-710.
Prach, K. 2007. Alluvial meadows under changing management: Their degradation and restoration. In: Okruszko, T., Maltby, E., Szatylowicz, J., Swiatek, D., Kotowski, W. (eds.) Wetlands: Monitoring, Modelling and Management, pp. 265-271. Taylor & Francis Ltd., London.
Vondrák, J., Prach, K. 2006. Occurrence of heliophilous species on isolated rocky outcrops in a forested landscape: relict species or recent arrivals? Preslia 78: 115-122.
Řehounková, K., Prach, K. 2006. Spontaneous vegetation succession in disused gravel-sand pits: Role of local site and landscape factors. Journal of Vegetation Science 17: 583-590.
Jedlička, J., Prach, K. 2006. A comparison of two North-American asters invading in central Europe. Flora 201: 652-657.
Prach, K., Řehounková, K. 2006. Vegetation succession over broad geographical scales: which factors determine the patterns? Preslia 78: 469-480.
Jonášová, M., Van Hess, A., Prach, K. 2006. Rehabilitation of monotonous exotic coniferous plantations: A case study of spontaneous establishment of different tree species. Ecological Engineering 28: 141-148.
Prach, K., Pyšek, P. 2005. Jaké vlastnosti podmiňují expanzní chování autochtonních druhů? Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti 19: 27-36.
Pyšek, P., Kubát, K., Prach, K. 2005. Předmluva: apofytizace krajiny jako přirozený proces? Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti 19: 2-4.
Jonášová, M., Prach, K. 2005. Jak by měl vypadat přirozený smrkový les a jeho dynamika. Šumava 3: 6-8.
Williamson, M., Pyšek, P., Jarošík, V., Prach, K. 2005. On the rates and patterns of spread of alien plants in the Czech Republic, Britain, and Ireland. Ecoscience 12: 424-433.
Davis, M.A., Pergl, J., Truscott, A.M., Kollmann, J., Bakker, J.P., Domenech, R., Prach, K., Prieur-Richard, A.H., Veeneklaas, R.M., Pyšek, P., del Moral, R., Hobbs, R.J., Collins, S.L., Pickett, S.T.A., Reich, P.B. 2005. Vegetation change: a reunifying concept in plant ecology. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics 7: 69-76.
Koutecký, P., Prach, K. 2005. Recovery of alluvial meadows after an extreme summer flood: a case study. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology 5 :33-39.
Bufková, I., Prach, K., Bastl, M. 2005. Relationships between vegetation and environment within the montane floodplain of the Upper Vltava River. Silva Gabreta Suppl. 1-78.
Prach, K. 2004. Geobotanická indikace v archeologii. In: Kuna M. a kolektiv autorů, Nedestruktivní archeologie, pp. 297-306, Academia, Praha.
Jonášová, M., Prach, K. 2004. Central-European mountain spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forests: regeneration of tree species after a bark beetle outbreak Ecological Engineering 23: 15-27.
Matějková I., van Diggelen R., Prach K., 2003. An attempt to restore a Czech species-rich mountain grassland through grazing. Applied Vegetation Science 6: 161-168.
Prach K., 2003. Spontaneous vegetation succession in central European human-made habitats: what scientific knowledge can be used in restoration practice? Applied Vegetation Science 6: 125-129.
Pyšek P., Prach K., 2003. Research into plant invasions in crossroads region: history and focus. Biological Invasions 5: 337-348.
Novák J., Prach K., 2003. Vegetation succession in basalt quarries: pattern over a landscape scale. Applied Vegetation Science 6: 111-116.
Hodačová, D., Prach, K. 2003. Spoil heaps from brown coal mining: Technical reclamation versus spontaneous revegetation. Restoration Ecology 11 (3): 385-391.
Gruberová, H., Prach K. 2003. Competition between the alien Bidens frondosa and its native congener Bidens tripartita. In: Child, L., Brock, J.H:, Brundu, G., Prach, K., Pyšek, P., Wade, P.M. &
Prach, K., Procházka, F., Štech, M. 2002. Ohrožení přirozené vegetace nepůvodními druhy. In: Neuhäuslová Z. (ed.): Mapa potenciální přirozené vegetace NP Šumava. (Non-native species as a potential threat to natural vegetation) In: Neuhäuslová Z. (ed.): The map of potential natural vegetation of the Sumava National Park. Silva Gabreta, Suppl. 1: 34-38. (in Czech)
Prach K., Soukupová L. 2002. Alteration in the wet meadows vegetation pattern. - In: Květ J. et al. eds. Freshwater wetlands and their sustainable future. A case study of Třeboň Basin Biosphere Reserve, Czech Republic, p. 243-254, Unesco and Parthenon Publ. Group, Boca Raton etc.
Soukupová L., Bauer, V. Jeník, J. Klimeš, L. Kučera, S. Prach, K. 2002. The Libořezy Bog prior to extraction. - In: Květ J. et al. eds. Freshwater wetlands and their sustainable future. A case study of Třeboň Basin Biosphere Reserve, Czech Republic, p.431-442, Unesco and Parthenon Publ. Group, Boca Raton etc.
Prach K. 2002. Human impact on vegetation around Rožmberk pond. – In: Květ J. et al. eds. Freshwater wetlands and their sustainable future. A case study of Třeboň Basin Biosphere Reserve, Czech Republic, p. 187-193, Unesco and Parthenon Publ. Group, Boca Raton etc.
Prach, K., Bartha, S., Joyce, C.B., Pyšek, P., Van Diggelen, R., Wiegleb, G. 2001. The role of spontaneous vegetation succession in ecosystem restoration: A perspective. Applied Vegetation Science 4: 111-114.
Prach, K., Pyšek, P. 2001. Using spontaneous succession for restoration of human-disturbed habitats: Experience from Central Europe. Ecological Engineering 17: 55-62.
Prach, K., Pyšek, P., Bastl, M. 2001. Spontaneous vegetation succession in human-disturbed habitats: A pattern across seres. Applied Vegetation Science 4: 83-88.
Pyšek, P., Prach, K., Mullerová, J., Joyce, C. 2001. The role of vegetation succession in ecosystem restoration: Introduction. Applied Vegetation Science 4 (1): 3-4.
Gruberová, H., Bendová, K., Prach, K. 2001. Seed ecology of alien Bidens frondosa in comparison with native species of the genus. In: Brundu, G., Brock, J., Camarda, I., Child, L., Wade, M. (eds.) Plant Invasions: Species Ecology and Ecosystem Management. pp. 99-104. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
Pyšek, P., Mandák, B., Francírková, T., Prach, K. 2001. Persistence of stout clonal herbs as invaders in the landscape: A field test of historical records. In: Brundu, G., Brock, J., Camarda, I., Child, L., Wade, M. (eds.) Plant Invasions: Species Ecology and Ecosystem Management. pp. 235-244. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
Prach, K., Joyce, C.B., Straškrabová, J. 1999. Case study 13 - The Lužnice River Floodplain, Czech Republic. In: Benstead, P. et al. (eds.) European wet grasslands. Guidlines for management and restoration. RSPB, Sandy.
Prach, K., Pyšek, P. 1999. How do species dominating in succession differ from the others? Journal of Vegetation Sciences 10: 383-392.
Prach, K. 1999. Sukcese vegetace na antropogenních stanovištích. Calluna 4: 8-10.
Prach, K., Pyšek, P., Šmilauer, P. 1999. Prediction of vegetation succession in human-disturbed habitats using an expert system. Restoration Ecology 7: 15-23.
Prach, K. 1998. Komplex sukcesních stadií na antropogenních stanovištích (oblasti povrchové těžby aj.). In: Neuhäuslová Z. (ed.) Mapa potenciální přirozené vegetace České republiky, pp. 243-245, 304-305, Academia, Praha.
Prach, K. 1998. Základy ekologie rostlin. In: Kubát, K. et al. Botanika, učebnice pro střední školy, pp. 187-211, Scientia, Praha.
Prach, K., Pyšek, P. 1998. Dřeviny v sukcesi na antropogenních stanovištích. Zprávy Čes. Bot. Spol. 33, Materiály 16: 59-66.
Large, A.R.G., Prach, K. 1998. Floodplain ecology of the regulated River Trent: Implications for rehabilitation. In: Bailey, R.G. et al. (eds.) United Kingdom Floodplains, pp. 409-421, Westbury Publ., Otley.
Straškrabová, J., Prach, K. 1998. Five years of restoration of alluvial meadows: a case study from Central Europe. In: Joyce, C.B., Wade, P.M. (eds.) European wet grasslands. Biodiversity, management and restoration, pp. 295-303, Wiley, Chichester.
Pyšek, P., Prach, K. (eds.) 1997. Invazní rostliny v české flóře. Zprávy Čes. Bot. Spol., Materiály 14, 138 pp. Praha.
Prach, K., Pyšek, P., Šmilauer, P. 1997. Changes in species traits during succession: a search for pattern. Oikos 79: 201-205.
Bastl, M., Kočár, P., Prach, K., Pyšek, P. 1997. The effect of successional age and disturbance on the establishment of alien plants in man-made sites: an experimental approach. In: Brock, J.H. et al. (eds.) Plant Invasions: Studies from North America and Europe, pp. 191-201, Backhuys Publ., Leiden.
Prach, K. 1997. Degradation and restoration of wet and moist meadows in the Czech Republic: General trends and case studies. Acta Botanica Gallica 143: 441-449.
Pyšek, P., Prach, K. 1997. Invazibilita společenstev a ekosystémů. In: Pyšek, P., Prach, K. (eds.) Invazní rostliny v české flóře. Zprávy Čes. Bot. Spol., Materiály 14: 1-6.
Kočár, P., Bastl, M., Prach, K. 1997. Invaze neofytů do různě starých sukcesních stádií: experimentální přístup. In: Pyšek, P., Prach, K. (eds.) Invazní rostliny v české flóře. Zprávy Čes. Bot. Spol., Materiály 14: 125-129.
Královec, J., Prach, K. 1997. Changes in botanical composition of former intersively managed submontane grassland. In: Management for Grassland Biodiversity. Proc. of the International Occasional Symposium of EGF, pp. 139-142, Warzsawa-Lomza.
Prach, K., Štech, M., Beneš, J. 1996. Druhotné bezlesí - opomíjená složka biodiversity Šumavy. Silva Gabreta 1: 243-247.
Prach, K., Husák, Š., Černý, R., Kučera, S., Guth, J., Rydlo, J., Klimešová, J. 1996. Species and vegetation diversity along the river. In: Prach, K., Jeník, J., Large, A.R.G. (eds) Floodplain ecology and management. The Lužnice River in the Třeboň Biosphere Reserve, Central Europe, pp. 62-80, Amsterdam.
Prach, K., Jeník, J., Large, A.R.G. 1996. Introduction: River floodplains as ecological systems. In: Prach, K., Jeník, J., Large, A.R.G. (eds.) Floodplain ecology and management. The Lužnice River in the Třeboň Biosphere Reserve, Central Europe, pp. 1-10., Amsterdam.
Pyšek, P., Prach, K. 1996. Plant invasions and the role of riparian habitats: a comparison of four species alien ti Central Europe. In: Samson, F.E., Knopf, F.L. (eds.) Ecosystems management: selected readings, pp. 254-263, Springer.
Prach, K. 1996. Spatial and temporal variation of vegetation in the model cross-section. In: Prach, K., Jeník, J., Large, A.R.G. (eds) Floodplain ecology and management. The Lužnice River in the Třeboň Biosphere Reserve, Central Europe, pp. 80-87, Amsterdam.
Prach, K., Straškrabová, J. 1996. Louky v nivě řeky Lužnice v biosférické rezervaci Třeboňsko - možnosti obnovy. In: Straškrabová, J. et al. (eds.) Aluviální louky - jejich současný stav a možnosti obnovy. Příroda 4: 169-171.
Prach, K., Lepš, J., Rauch, O. 1996. Dlouhodobé sukcesní změny vegetace na opuštěných polích v Českém krasu z hlediska ochrany přírody. In: Kirschnerová, L. (ed.) Monitoring vybraných přirozených společenstev a populací rostlinných indikátorů v České republice, Příroda 4: 59-68.
Straškrabová, J., Prach, K., Joyce, C.B., Wade, M. (eds.) 1996. Aluviální louky - jejich současný stav a možnosti obnovy, 176 pp., Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny, Praha.
Prach, K., Husák, Š. 1996. Invasion of alien plants. In: Prach, K., Jeník, J., Large, A.R.G. (eds.) Floodplain ecology and management. The Lužnice River in the Třeboň Biosphere Reserve, Central Europe., pp. 93-98, Amsterdam.
Šmilauer, P., Prach, K., Rauch, O. 1996. Hydrology and water table dynamics. In: Prach, K., Jeník, J., Large, A.R.G. (eds) Floodplain ecology and management. The Lužnice River in the Třeboň Biosphere Reserve, Central Europe., pp. 37-46, Amsterdam.
Prach, K. 1996. Závěry ze semináře. In: Straškrabová, J. et al. (eds.). Aluviální louky - jejich současný stav a možnosti obnovy. Příroda 4: 173-176.
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Prach, K., Straškrabová, J. 1996. Restoration of degraded meadows: an experimental approach. In: Prach, K., Jeník, J., Large, A.R.G. (eds.) Floodplain ecology and management. The Lužnice River in the Třeboň Biosphere Reserve, Central Europe, pp. 87-93, Amsterdam.
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Prach, K., Large, A.R.G., Kovář, P. 1996. Conclusions and comparisons of the results with other river corridors. In: Prach, K., Jeník, J., Large, A.R.G. (eds.) Floodplain ecology and management. The Lužnice River in the Třeboň Biosphere Reserve, Central Europe, pp. 257-270, Amsterdam.
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Prach, K., Lepš J., Rauch O. 1996. Dlouhodobé sukcesní změny vegetace na opuštěných polích v Českém krasu z hlediska ochrany přírody. Příroda 5:59-68.
Prach, K., Lepš, J., Michálek, J. 1996. Establishment of Picea abies seedlings in a central European mountain grassland: an experimental study. Journal of Vegetation Sciences 7: 681-684.
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