Publications of students and staff
Petr Koutecký
Number of records: 69
Vávra, M., Špaček, J., Koutecký, P., Schmitz, U., Rydlo, J. 2024. Asian Wolffia globosa (Roxb.) Hartog & Plas (Araceae) in Bohemian Wetlands – a new macrophyte for Czechia. - Biologia 79: 1139–1145
Mora, P., Hospodářská, M., Voleníková, A.C., Koutecký, P., Štundlová, J., Dalíková, M., Walters, J.R., Nguyen, P. 2024. Sex-biased gene content is associated with sex chromosome turnover in Danaini butterflies. - Molecular Ecology 33: e17256
Vejvodová, K., Krejčí, J., Koutecký, P., Lučanová, M., Hornych, O., Ekrt, L. 2024. High mountains of central Europe as a refuge of surprising cytotype diversity of Huperzia selago (Lycopodiaceae). – Alpine Botany 134: 87–100.
Ekrt, L., Férová, A., Koutecký, P., Vejvodová, K., Hori, K., Hornych, O. 2024. An adventurous journey towards and away from fern apomixis: Insights from genome size and spore abortion patterns. – American Journal of Botany 111(5): e16332.
Axmanová, I., Chytrý, K., Boublík, K., Chytrý, M., Dřevojan, P., Ekrtová, E., Fajmon, K., Hájková, P., Härtel, H., Hejda, M., Horáková, V., Jongepier, J. W., Kalníková, V., Kaplan, Z., Koutecký, P., Lustyk, P., Pergl, J., Prach, K., Pyšek, P., Sádlo, J., Vojík, M. & Těšitel, J. 2024. Catalogue of expansive plants of the Czech Republic. – Preslia 96: 299–327
Jiménez-Mejías, P., Manzano, S., Gowda, V., ... incl. ... Lisner, A., Kaštovský, J., Lepš, J., Vondrák, J., Ekrt, L., Štech, M., Koutecký, P., Hauer, T. et al. 2024. Protecting stable biological nomenclatural systems enables universal communication: A collective international appeal. – Bioscience 74(7): 467–472.
Kaplan, Z., Prančl, J., Koutecký, P. 2023. (2962) Proposal to conserve the name Ranunculus rionii against R. bauhini (Ranunculaceae). - Taxon 72: 671–672.
Koutecký, P., Smith, T., Loureiro, J., Kron P. 2023. Best practices for instrument settings and raw data analysis in plant flow cytometry. - Cytometry Part A 103: 953-966
Kúr, P., Gregor, T., Jandová, M., Mesterházy, A., Paule, J., Píšová, S., Šemberová, K., Koutecký, P., Ducháček, M., Schneeweiss, G.M. 2023. Cryptic invasion suggested by a cytogeographic analysis of the halophytic Puccinellia distans complex (Poaceae) in Central Europe. - Front. Plant Sci. 14: 1249292
Temsch, E.M., Koutecký, P., Urfus, T., Šmarda, P., Doležel, J. 2022. Reference standards for flow cytometric estimation of absolute nuclear DNA content in plants. - Cytometry Part A 101: 710-724
Sliwinska, E., Loureiro, J., Leitch, I.J., Šmarda, P., Bainard, J., Bureš, P., Chumová, Z., Horová, L., Koutecký, P., Lučanová, M., Trávníček, P., Galbraith, D.W. 2022. Application-based guidelines for best practices in plant flow cytometry. - Cytometry Part A 101: 749-781
Koutecký, P., Prančl, J., Košnar, J., Koutecká, E., Hanzlíčková, J., Lučanová, M., Nejedlá, M., Kaplan Z. 2022. Waking up from a taxonomist’s nightmare: emerging structure of Ranunculus section Batrachium (Ranunculaceae) in central Europe based on molecular data and genome sizes. - Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 198(4): 417–437
Řepka, R., Koutecký, P., Mendel, P., Frélich, R. 2022. Gymnocalycium ×applanatum (Cactaceae, Cactoideae) – the first reported nothospecies between the subgenera Gymnocalycium and Trichomosemineum. - Folia Geobotanica 56(2021): 255–269
Šlenker, M., Koutecký, P., Marhold K. 2022. MorphoTools2: an R package for multivariate morphometric analysis. - Bioinformatics 38(10): 2954–2955
Voleníková, A., Nguyen, P., Davey, P., Sehadová, H., Kludkiewicz, B., Koutecký, P., Walters, J. R., Roessingh, P., Provazníková, I., Šerý, M., Žurovcová, M., Hradilová, M., Rouhová, L., Žurovec, M. 2022. Genome sequence and silkomics of the spindle ermine moth, Yponomeuta cagnagella, representing the early diverging lineage of the ditrysian Lepidoptera. - Communications Biology 5: 1281
Koutecký, T., Ujházy, K., Volařík, D., Ujházyová, M., Máliš, F., Gömöryová, E., Bače, R., Ehrenbergerová, L., Glončák, P., Hofmeister, J., Homolák, M., Janda, P., Koutecká, V., Koutecký, P., Lvončík, S., Mikoláš, M., Svoboda M. 2022. Disturbance history drives current compositional and diversity patterns of primary Picea abies (L.) Karst. forest vegetation. - Forest Ecology and Management 520: 120387
Kobiv, Y., Koutecký P., Štech, M., Pachschwöll, C. 2022. First records of Calamagrostis purpurea (Poaceae) in the Carpathians, a relict species new to the flora of Slovakia, Ukraine, and Romania. – Biologia 77: 2459–2468.
Ekrt, L., Podroužek, J., Hornych, O., Košnar, J., Koutecký, P. 2021. Cytotypes of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) in Europe: widespread diploids and scattered triploids of likely multiple origin. - Flora 274: 151725
Galbraith, D., Loureiro, J., ...,, Koutecký, P., Lučanová, M.,... 2021. Best practices in plant cytometry. Cytometry Part A 99: 311-317
Loureiro, J., Kron, P., Temsch, E.M., Koutecký, P., Lopes, S., Castro, M., Castro, S. 2021. Isolation of plant nuclei for estimation of nuclear DNA content: Overview and best practices. - Cytometry Part A 99: 318-327
Kaplan, Z., Danihelka, J., Dřevojan, P., Řepka, R., Koutecký, P., Grulich, V., Wild, J. 2021. Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 10. – Preslia 93: 255–304.
Kotilínek, M., Těšitelová, T., Košnar, J., Fibich, P., Hemrová, L., Koutecký, P., Münzbergová, Z., Jersáková, J. 2020. Seed dispersal and realized gene flow of two forest orchids in a fragmented landscape. Plant Biol 22: 522-532
Štech, M., Koutecký, P., Tribsch, A., Schrat-Ehrendorfer, L., Paszko, B., Pachschwöll, C. 2020. Calamagrostis purpurea (Poaceae) – A long neglected boreal element, new for the flora of Austria. - Neilreichia 11: 133–152 (2020).
Hanušová, K., Čertner, M., Urfus, T., Koutecký, P., Košnar, J., Rothfels, C. J., Jarolímová, V., Ptáček, J., & Ekrt, L. 2019. Widespread co-occurrence of multiple ploidy levels in fragile ferns (Cystopteris fragilis complex; Cystopteridaceae) likely stems from similar ecology of cytotypes, their efficient dispersal and inter-ploidy hybridization. – Annals of Botany 123: 845–855.
Manukjanová, A., Koutecký, P., Štechová, T., Kučera, J. 2019. Insights into the distribution patterns, habitat and morphologic differentiation of cryptic species of the moss Hamatocaulis vernicosus in the Czech Republic. Herzogia 32: 183 –199.
Liu, H-M., Ekrt, L., Koutecký, P., Pellicer, J., Hidalgo, O., Marquardt, J., Pustahija, F., Ebihara, A., Siljak-Yakovlev, S., Gibby, M., Leitch, I. & Schneider, H. 2019. Polyploidy does not control all: lineage-specific average chromosome length constraints genome size evolution in ferns. – Journal of Systematics and Evolution 57: 418–430.
Brožová, V., Koutecký, P., Doležal, J. 2019. Plant apomixis is rare in Himalayan high-alpine flora. Scientific Reports
Lepší, M., Koutecký, P., Nosková, J., Lepší, P., Urfus, T., Rich, T. C. G. 2019. Versatility of reproductive modes and ploidy level interactions in Sorbus s.l. (Malinae, Rosaceae). - Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 191(4): 502-522
Hornych, O., Ekrt, L., Riedel, F., Koutecký, P., Košnar, J. 2019. Asymmetric hybridization in the Central European populations of the Dryopteris carthusiana group. – American Journal of Botany 106(11): 1477–1486.
Hejníčková, M., Koutecký, P., Potocký, P., Provazníková ,I. , Voleníková, A., Dalíková, M., Visser, S., Marec, F., Zrzavá, M. 2019. Absence of W chromosome in Psychidae moths and implications for the theory of sex chromosome evolution in Lepidoptera. - Genes 10: 1016
Kaplan, Z., Danihelka, J., Chrtek, J. Jr., Zázvorka, J., Koutecký, P., Ekrt, L., Řepka, R., Štěpánková, J., Jelínek, B., Grulich, V., Prančl, J., Wild, J. 2019. Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 8. – Preslia 91: 257–368.
Lepší, M., Lepší, P., Koutecký, P., Lučanová, M., Koutecká, E. , Kaplan, Z. 2019. Stellaria ruderalis, a new species in the Stellaria media group from central Europe. - Preslia 91: 391–420, 2019
Nieto-Lugilde, M., Werner, O., McDaniel, S.F., Koutecký, P., Kučera, J., Rizk S.M., Ros, R.M. 2018. Peripatric speciation associated with genome expansion and female-biased sex ratios in the moss genus Ceratodon. American Journal of Botany 105(6): 1009-1020.
Kaplan, Z., Koutecký, P., Danihelka, J., Šumberová, K., Ducháček, M., Štěpánková, J., Ekrt, L., Grulich, V., Řepka, R., Kubát, K., Mráz, P., Wild, J., Brůna, J. 2018. Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 6. – Preslia 90: 235–346.
Prančl, J., Koutecký, P., Trávníček, P., Jarolímová, V., Lučanová, M., Koutecká, E. & Kaplan, Z. 2018. Cytotype variation, cryptic diversity and hybridization in Ranunculus sect. Batrachium revealed by flow cytometry and chromosome numbers. - Preslia 90: 195–223.
Skokanová, K., Koutecký, P. 2018. Proposal to conserve the name Centaurea axillaris (Compositae) with a conserved type. - Taxon 67: 1224–1225
Čertner, M., Fenclová, E., Kúr, P., Kolář, F., Koutecký, P., Krahulcová, A., Suda, J. 2017. Evolutionary dynamics of mixed-ploidy populations in an annual herb: dispersal, local persistence and recurrent origins of polyploids. - Annals of Botany, doi: 10.1093/aob/mcx032
Kaplan, Z., Danihelka, J., Koutecký, P., Šumberová, K., Ekrt, L., Grulich, V., Řepka, R., Hroudová, Z., Štěpánková, J., Dvořák, V., Dančák, M., Dřevojan, P., Wild, J. 2017. Distributions of vascular plants in the Czech Republic. Part 4. – Preslia 89: 115–201.
Ekrt, L., Koutecký, P. 2016. Between sexual and apomictic: unexpectedly variable sporogenesis and production of viable polyhaploids in the pentaploid fern of the Dryopteris affinis agg. (Dryopteridaceae). – Annals of Botany 117:97-106.
Pinto-Carrasco, D., Košnar, J., López-Gonzáles, N., Koutecký, P., Těšitel, J., Rico, E., Martínez-Ortega, M. 2016. Development of 14 microsatellite markers in Odontites vernus s.l. (Orobanchaceae) and cross-amplification in related taxa. - Applications in Plant Sciences, 4(3): 1500111
Kobrlová, L., Hroneš, M., Koutecký, P., Štech, M., Trávníček, B. 2016. Symphytum tuberosum complex in central Europe: cytogeography, morphology, ecology and taxonomy. - Preslia 88: 77–112.
Chlumský, J., Koutecký, P., Plačková, I., Štech, M. 2016. Is genetic diversity congruent with morphological diversity across the distributional range of the Melampyrum subalpinum group (Orobanchaceae)? - Flora 220: 74-83.
Kúr, P., Košnar, J., Koutecký, P., Tremetsberger, K., Štech, M. 2016. Origin of Spergularia ×kurkae, a hybrid between the rare endemic S. echinosperma and its widespread congener S. rubra. - Preslia 88: 391–407.
Svobodová, Š., Košnar, J., Koutecký, P., Štech M. 2016. Microsatellite analysis of four similar Euphrasia (Orobanchaceae) species changes the traditional view of this group. - Plant Ecology and Evolution 149: 45–58
Prach, K.,Tichý, L.,Lencová, K.,Adámek, M.,Koutecký, T.,Sádlo, J.,Bartošová, A.,Novák, J.,Kovář, P.,Jírová, A., Šmilauer, P.,Řehounková, K. 2016. Does succession run towards potential natural vegetation? An analysis across seres? Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 515-523
Faltermeier, M., Meyer, N., Gregor, T., Paule, J., Lepší, M., Fussi, B., Koutecký, P., Schäfer, H., Ewald, J. 2016. Genetische und blattmorphologische Variabilität von Sorbus ratisbonensis. - Berichte der Bayerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft 86: 37-56
Koutecký, P. 2015. MorphoTools: a set of R functions for morphometric analysis. - Plant Systematics and Evolution 301: 1115-1121, DOI 10.1007/s00606-014-1153-2
Lepší, M., Lepší, P., Koutecký, P., Bílá, J., Vít, P. 2015. Taxonomic revision of Sorbus subgenus Aria occurring in the Czech Republic. - Preslia 87: 109–162.
Keller, F., Meyer, N., Gregor, T., Paule, J., Lepší, M., Koutecký, P., Fussi, B., Hackl, Ch., Ewald, J. 2015. Hybriden zwischen Mehlbeere (Sorbus aria) und Elsbeere (Sorbus torminalis) im oberbayerischen Fünfseenland. - Berichte der Bayerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft 85: 19-34
Řepka, R., Koutecký, P., Vahalík, P. 2015. Gymnocalycium campestre (Cactaceae, Trichocereeae), a new species from Córdoba, Argentina. - Novon 24: 280-288.
Řepka, R., Koutecký, P., Vahalík, P. 2015. A new subspecies and a new combination in Gymnocalycium sutterianum (Cactaceae, Trichocereeae) from Argentina. - Novon 24: 273-279.
Otisková, V., Koutecký, T., Kolář, F., Koutecký, P. 2014. Occurrence and habitat preferences of diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of Centaurea stoebe in the Czech Republic. - Preslia 86: 67-80
Kolář, F., Lučanová, M., Koutecký, P., Dortová, M., Knotek, A., Suda, J. 2014. Spatio-ecological segregation of diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of Galium valdepilosum in central Europe. - Preslia 86(2): 155–178.
Chlumský, J., Koutecký, P., Jílková, V., Štech, M. 2013. Roles of species-preferential seed dispersal by ants and endozoochory in Melampyrum (Orobanchaceae). - Journal of Plant Ecology 6(3): 232-239.
Lepší, M., Lepší, P., Sádlo, J., Koutecký, P., Vít, P., Petřík, P. 2013. Sorbus pauca species nova, the first endemic species of the Sorbus hybrida group for the Czech Republic. - Preslia 85: 63–80
Řepka, R., Koutecký, P. 2013. Gymnocalycium mostii aggregate: Taxonomy in the northern part of its distribution area including newly described taxa. - Bradleya 31: 96-113.
Koutecký, P., Štěpánek, J., Baďurová, T. 2012. Differentiation between diploid and tetraploid Centaurea phrygia: mating barriers, morphology and geographic distribution. - Preslia 84: 1–32.
Košnar, J., Štech, M., Koutecký, P. 2012. Environmental control of clonal growth in Carex nigra: What can be masked under the name Carex nigra subsp.juncella in the Czech Republic?. - Flora 207: 294-302 (DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2011.12.001)
Koutecký, P. 2012. A diploid drop in the tetraploid ocean: hybridization and long-term survival of a singular population of Centaurea weldeniana Rchb. (Asteraceae), a taxon new to Austria. - Plant Systematics and Evolution 298: 1349-1360.
Košnar J., Herbstová M., Kolář F., Koutecký P., Kučera J. 2012. A case study of intragenomic ITS variation in bryophytes: Assessment of gene flow and role of polyploidy in the origin of European taxa of the Tortula muralis (Musci: Pottiaceae) complex. Taxon 61(4):709-720
Kúr, P., Štech, M., Koutecký, P., Trávníček, P. 2012. Morphological and cytological variation in Spergularia echinosperma and S. rubra, and notes on potential hybridization of these two species. - Preslia 84(4): 905–924.
Koutecký, P., Tuleu, G., Baďurová, T., Košnar, J., Štech, M., Těšitel, J. 2012. Distribution of cytotypes and seasonal variation in the Odontites vernus group in central Europe . – Preslia 84: 887–904.
Bohner, A., Starlinger, F., Koutecký, P. 2012. Vegetation changes in an abandoned montane grassland, compared to changes in a habitat with low-intensity sheep grazing – a case study in Styria, Austria. - eco.mont 4(2): 5-12
Novotná, J., Havelka, J., Starý, P., Koutecký, P., Vítková, M. 2011. Karyotype analysis of the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) reveals a large X chromosome with rRNA and histone gene families. - Genetica 139: 281-289.
Koutecký, P., Baďurová T., Štech M., Košnar J., Karásek J. 2011. Hybridization between diploid Centaurea pseudophrygia and tetraploid C. jacea (Asteraceae): the role of mixed pollination, unreduced gametes, and mentor effects. - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 104: 93-106.
Koutecký, P. 2009. Taxonomic and nomenclatural revision of Centaurea subjacea (Asteraceae-Cardueae) and similar taxa. - Phyton, Horn 49: 63-76.
Koutecký, P. 2007. Morphological and ploidy level variation of Centaurea phrygia AGG. (Asteraceae) in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine. Folia Geobotanica 42: 77-102.
Koutecký, P., Prach, K. 2005. Recovery of alluvial meadows after an extreme summer flood: a case study. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology 5 :33-39.
Štěpánek, J., Koutecký, P. 2004. Centaurea L. - In: Slavík, B., Štěpánková, J. [eds.]: Květena České republiky. 7. - Academia, Praha, pp. 426-449