Publications of students and staff
Jiří Doležal
Number of records: 123
Altmanová, N., Fibich, P., Doležal, J., ..., Altman J 2025. Spatial heterogeneity of tree-growth responses to climate across temperate forests in Northeast Asia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology: 110355.
Kašpar, J., Tumajer, J., Altman, J., Altmanová, N., Čada, V., Čihák, T., Doležal, J., Fibich, P., Janda, P., … Treml, V. 2024. Major tree species of Central European forests differ in their proportion of positive, negative, and nonstationary growth trends. - Global Change Biology, 30, e17146.
Zheng, L., ... Doležal, J., ...Lanta, V., Lepš, J. et al. 2024. Effects of plant diversity on productivity strengthen over time due to trait-dependent shifts in species overyielding. - Nature Communications (2024) 15:2078.
He, M., .... Doležal, J.,... Lanta, V., Lepš al. 2024. Cumulative nitrogen enrichment alters the drivers of grassland overyielding. Communications Biology 7 (2024), 309.
Rai, S., Altman, J., Kopecky, M., Sohar, K., Fibich, P., Pejcha, V., Doležal, J. 2023. Contrasting Impacts of Climate Warming on Himalayan Hemlock Growth: Seasonal and Elevational Variations. Dendrochronologia (in press).
Doležal, J., Dančák, M., Kučera, J., Majeský, L., Altman, J., Řeháková, K., Čapková, Č., Vondrák, J., Fibich, P., Liancourt, P. 2022. Fire, climate and biotic interactions shape diversity patterns along an Afrotropical elevation gradient. Journal of Biogeography, 00, 1–12.
Korznikov, K.A., Kislov, D.E., Altman, J.; Doležal, J., Vozmishcheva, A.S., Krestov, P.V. 2021. Using U-Net-Like Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Precise Tree Recognition in Very High Resolution RGB (Red, Green, Blue) Satellite Images. Forests. 2021; 12(1):66
Wang, S., M. Loreau, C. de Mazancourt, F. Isbell, C. Beierkuhnlein, J. Connolly, J. Doležal, N. Eisenhauer, A. Jentsch, J. Kreyling, V. Lanta, J. Lepš, J., H. W. Polley, P. B. Reich, J. van Ruijven, B. Schmid, D. Tilman, B. J. Wilsey, and D. Craven. 2021. Biotic homogenization destabilizes ecosystem functioning by decreasing spatial asynchrony. Ecology
Lubbe, C.F., Klimeš, A., Doležal, J., Jandová, V., Mudrák, O., Janeček, Š., Bartušková, A., Klimešová, J. 2021. Carbohydrate storage in herbs: the forgotten functional dimension of the plant economic spectrum. Annals of Botany
Macek, M., Dvorský, M., Kopecký, M., Wild, J., Doležal, J. 2021. Elevational range size patterns of vascular plants in Himalaya contradict Rapoport’s rule. Journal of Ecology
Macek, M., Dvorský, M., Wild, J., Doležal, J., Kopecký, M. 2021. Midpoint attractor models resolve the mid-elevation peak in Himalayan plant species richness. Ecography
Lanta, V., Doležal, J., Kozel, P., Hauck, D., Altman, J., Kašák, J., Foit, J., Šebek, P., Čížek, L. 2021. Contrasting responses of saproxylic beetles and plants to non-native tree invasion reveal feedback mechanisms between trophic levels. Biological Conservation
Ottaviani, G., Keppel, G., Götzenberger, L., Harrison, S., Opedal, Ø.H., Conti, L., Liancourt, P., Klimešová, J., Silveira, F.A.O., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Negoita, L., Doležal, J., Hájek, M., Ibanez, T., Méndez-Castro, F.E., Chytrý, M. 2020. Linking plant functional ecology to island biogeography. Trends in Plant Science 25: 329-339.
Schweingruber, F., Kučerová, A., Adamec, L., Doležal, J. 2020. Anatomical atlas of aquatic and wetland plant stems. Springer.
Janda, P., Ukhvatkina, O.N.,Vozmishcheva, A.V., Omelko, A., Doležal, J., Krestov, P.V., Zhmerenetsky, A.A. Song, J.S., Altman, J. 2020. Tree canopy accession strategy changes along the latitudinal gradient of temperate Northeast Asia. Global Ecology and Biogeography
Doležal, J., Fibich, P., Altman, J., Lepš, J., Uemura, S., Takahashi, K., Hara, H. 2020. Determinants of ecosystem stability in a diverse temperate forest. Oikos
Schweingruber, F.H., Dvorský, M., Börner, A., Doležal, J. 2020. Atlas of Stem Anatomy of Arctic and Alpine Plants Around the Globe. Springer.
Lanta, A., Mudrák, O., Liancourt, P., Dvorský, M., Bartoš, M., Chlumská, Z., Šebek, P., Čížek, L., Doležal, J. 2020. Restoring diversity of open forests: connectivity and proximity to existing habitats matter. Biodiversity and Conservation
Delabye, S.,Maicher, V.,Sáfián, S., Doležal, J., Altman, J., Janeček, S., Kobe, I., Murkwe, M., Šebek, P., Tropek, R. 2020. Butterfly and moth communities differ in their response to habitat structure in rainforests of Mount Cameroon. Biotropica
Hiiesalu, I., Klimešová, J., Doležal, J., Mudrák, O., Götzenberger, L., Horník, J., de Bello, F. 2020. Hidden belowground plant diversity buffers against species loss during land-use change in species-rich grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science (in press)
Doležal, J., Lanta, V., Mudrák, O. & Lepš, J. 2019. Seasonality promotes grassland diversity: Interactions with mowing, fertilization and removal of dominant species. Journal of Ecology 107 (1), 203-215
Albert, Ágnes, J., Mudrák, O., Jongepierová, I., Fajmon, K., Frei, I., Ševčíková, M., Klimešová, J., Doležal, J. 2019. Grassland restoration on ex-arable land by transfer of brushharvested propagules and green hay. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 272, 74-82
Mudrák, O., Doležal, J., Vítová, A., Lepš J. 2019. Variation in plant functional traits is best explained by the species identity: stability of trait based species ranking across meadow. Functional Ecology 33 (4), 746-755
Švamberková, E., Doležal, J., Lepš, J. 2019. The legacy of initial sowing after 20 years of ex-arable land colonisation. Oecologia, 190: 459-469.
Lanta, V., Mudrák, O., Liancourt, P., Bartoš, M., Chlumská, Z., Dvorský, M., Pusztaiová, Z., Münzbergová, Z., Sebek, P., Čížek, L., Doležal, J. 2019. Active management promotes plant diversity in lowland forests: a landscape-scale experiment with two types of clearings. Forest Ecology and Management 448, 94-103
Hořak, D., Ferenc, M., Sedláček, O., Motombi, F.N., Svoboda, M., Altman, J., Albrecht, T., Nana, E.D., Janeček, Š., Dančák, M., Majeský, L., Lltonga, E.N., Doležal, J. 2019. Forest structure determines spatial changes in avian community along an elevational gradient in tropical Africa. Journal of Biogeography
Brožová, V., Koutecký, P., Doležal, J. 2019. Plant apomixis is rare in Himalayan high-alpine flora. Scientific Reports
Klimešová, J., Martínková, J., Pausas, JG., de Moraes, MG., Herben, T., Y u, FH., Puntieri, J., Vesk, PA., de Bello, F., Janeček, S., Altman, J., Appezzato-da-Glória, B., Bartušková, A., Crivellaro, A., Doležal, J., Ott, JP., Paula, S., Schnablová, R., Schweingruber, FH., Ottaviani G. 2019. Handbook of standardized protocols for collecting plant modularity traits. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 40: 125485
Maicher, V., Sáfián, S., Murkwe, M., Delabye, S., Przybyłowicz, L., Potocký, P., Kobe I., Janeček, Š., Mertens J.E.J., Fokam, E.B., Pyrcz, T., Doležal, J., Altman, J., Hořák, D., Fiedler, K., Tropek, R. 2019. Seasonal shifts of biodiversity patterns and species’ elevation ranges of butterflies and moths along a complete rainforest elevational gradient on Mount Cameroon. Journal of Biogeography
Lepš J., Majeková M., Vítová A., Doležal J. & de Bello F. 2018. Stabilizing effects in temporal fluctuations: management, traits and species richness in high-diversity communities. Ecology, 99: 360-371.
Dvorský, M., Klimeš, L., Doležal, J., Wild, J., Dickore, D. 2018. A field guide to the flora of Ladakh. Academia Praha.
Doležal, J., Dvorský, M., Boerner, A., Wild, J., Schweingruber, F. 2018. Anatomy, Age and Ecology of High Mountain Plants in Ladakh, the Western Himalaya. Springer Verlag, 616 p.
Dvorský, M., Macek, M., Kopecký, M., Wild, J., Doležal, J. 2017. Niche asymmetry of vascular plants increases with elevation. Journal of Biogeography DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13001
Řeháková, K., Čapková, K., Dvorský, M., Kopecký, M., Altman, J., Šmilauer, P., Doležal, J. 2017. Interactions between soil phototrophs and vascular plants in Himalayan cold desert. Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Kotilínek, M., Hiiesalu, I., Košnar, J., Šmilauerová, M., Šmilauer, P., Altman, J., Dvorsky, M., Kopecký, M., Doležal, J. 2017. Fungal root symbionts of high-altitude vascular plants in the Himalaya. Scientific Reports 7: 6562
Tumajer, J., Altman, J., Štěpánek, P., Treml, V., Doležal, J., Cienciala, E. 2017. Increasing moisture limitation of Norway spruce in Central Europe revealed by forward modelling of tree growth in tree-ring network. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 247: 56–64.
Devetter, M., Haněl, L., Řeháková, K., Doležal, J. 2017. Diversity and feeding strategies of soil microfauna along elevation gradients in Himalayan cold deserts. PloS ONE, 12(11),e0187646
Cienciala, E., Altman, J., Doležal, J., Kopáček, J., Štěpánek, P., Ståhl, G., Tumajer, J. 2017. Increased spruce tree growth in Central Europe since 1960s. Sci Total Environ.
Klimešová, J., Janeček, Š., Bartušková, A., Bartoš, M., Altman, J., Doležal, J., Lanta, V., Latzel, V. 2017. Is the scaling relationship between carbohydrate storage and leaf biomass in meadow plants affected by the disturbance regime? Annals of Botany, , mcx111,
Müllerová, J,, Pejcha, V., Altman, J., Plener, T., Dörner, P., Doležal, J. 2016. Detecting Coppice Legacies from Tree Growth. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0147205. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0147205
Dvorský, M.; Chlumská, Z.; Altman,J.; Čapková, K.; Řeháková, K.; Macek, M.; Kopecký, M.; Liancourt, P.; Doležal, J. 2016. Gardening in the zone of death: an experimental assessment of the absolute elevation limit of vascular plants. Scientific Reports 6:24440
Doležal, J.; Dvorský, M.; Kopecký, M.; Liancourt, P.; Hiiesalu, I.; Macek, M.; Altman,J.; Chlumská, Z.; Řeháková, K.; Čapková, K.; Borovec, J.; Mudrak, O.; Wild, J.; Schweingruber, F. 2016. Vegetation dynamics at the upper elevational limit of vascular plants in Himalaya. Scientific Reports 6, 24881.
Mudrák, O., de Bello, F., Doležal, J., & Lepš, J. 2016. Changes in the functional trait composition and diversity of meadow communities induced by Rhinanthus minor L. Folia Geobotanica, on line early
Altman, J., Fibich, P., Lepš, J., Uemura, S., Hara, T., Doležal, J. 2016. Linking spatiotemporal disturbance history with tree regeneration and diversity in an old-growth forest in northern Japan. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. Online early.
Angel, A.,Conrad, R., Dvorský, M., Kopecký, M., Kotilínek, M., Hiiesalu, I., Schweingruber, F., Doležal J. 2016. The Root-Associated Microbial Community of the World’s Highest Growing Vascular Plants. Microbial Ecology DOI: 10.1007/s00248-016-0779-8
Mudrák, O., Doležal, J., Frouz, J. 2016. Initial species composition predicts the progress in the spontaneous succession on post-mining sites. Ecological Engineering 95: 665–670
Sohar, K., Altman, J., Lehečková, E., Doležal, J. 2016. Growth–climate relationships of Himalayan conifers along elevational and latitudinal gradients. International Journal of Climatology. Early online
Altman, J., Doležal, J., Čížek, L. 2016. Age estimation of large trees: new method based on partial increment core tested on an example of veteran oaks. Forest Ecology and Management, early online
Doležal, J., Lehečková, E., Sohar, K. Altman, J. 2016. Oak decline induced by mistletoe, competition and climate change: a case study from central Europe. Preslia 88: 323–346.
Mudrak, O., Fajmon, K., Jongepierova, J., Doležal, J. 2016. Restoring species-rich meadow by means of turf transplantation: long-term colonization of ex-arable land. Applied Vegetation Science
Mudrák, O., de Bello, F., Doležal, J., Lepš, J. 2016. Changes in the functional trait composition and diversity of meadow communities induced by Rhinanthus minor L. Folia Geobotanica 51: 1–11.
Mudrák, O., Janecek, S., Götzenberger, L., Mason, N. W. H., Horník, J., de Castro, I., Doležal, J., Klimešová, J., de Bello, F. 2016. Fine-scale coexistence patterns along a productivity gradient in wet meadows: shifts from trait convergence to divergence. Ecography 39: 338–348.
Řeháková, K., Chroňáková, A., Krištůfek, V., Kuchtová, B., Čapková, K., Scharfen, J., Čapek, P. & Doležal, J. 2015. Bacterial community of cushion plant Thylacospermum caespitosum on elevational gradient in the Himalayan cold desert. Front. Microbiol. 6:304. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00304
Nana, E.N., Sedláček, O., Doležal, J., Dančák, M., Altman, J., Svoboda, M., Majeský, L., Hořák, D. 2015. Relationship between Survival Rate of Avian Artificial Nests and Forest Vegetation Structure along a Tropical Altitudinal Gradient on Mount Cameroon. Biotropica, DOI: 10.1111/btp.12262
Doležal, J., Leheckova, E., Sohar, K.,Dvorsky, M., Kopecky, M., Chlumska, Z., Wild, J., Altman, J. 2015. Annual and intra-annual growth dynamics of Myricaria elegans shrubs in arid Himalaya. Trees doi:10.1007/s00468-015-1318-9
Čapková, K., Hauer, T., Řeháková, K., Doležal, J. 2015. Some like it high! Phylogenic diversity of high-elevation cyanobacterial community from biological soil crusts of Western Himalaya. Microbial Ecology DOI 10.1007/s00248-015-0694-4
Janeček, Š., Bartušková, A., Bartoš, M., Altman, J., de Bello, F., Doležal, J., Latzel,V., Lanta, V., Lepš, J. & Klimešová, J. 2015. Effects of disturbance regime on carbohydrate reserves in meadow plants. AoB Plants, plv123.
Mudrák, O., Mládek, J., Blažek, P., Lepš, J., Doležal, J., Nekvapilová, E., & Těšitel, J. 2014. Establishment of hemiparasitic Rhinanthus spp. in grassland restoration: lessons learned from sowing experiments. Applied Vegetation Science 17: 274–287.
Altman, J., Fibich, P., Doležal, J., Aakala, T. 2014. TRADER: a package for Tree Ring Analysis of Disturbance Events in R. Dendrochronologia. doi: 10.1016/j.dendro.2014.01.004
Doležal, J., Altman, J., Vetrova, V.P., Hara, T. 2014. Linking two centuries of tree growth and glacier dynamics with climate changes in Kamchatka. Climate Change. DOI 10.1007/s10584-014-1093-4
Schweingruber, F.H., Říha, P., Doležal, J. 2014. Variation in Stem Anatomical Characteristics of Campanuloideae Species in Relation to Evolutionary History and Ecological Preferences. PLoS ONE 9(2): e88199.
Prach, K., Jírová, A., Doležal, J. 2014. Pattern of succession in old-field vegetation at a regional scale. Preslia 86 (2), 119–130
Májeková, M., de Bello, F., Doležal, J. & Lepš, J. 2014. Plant functional traits as determinants of population stability. Ecology, 95:2369–2374.
Černý, T., Kopecký, M., Petřík, P., Song, J-S., Šrůtek, M., Valachovič, M., Altman, J., Doležal, J. 2014. Classification of Korean forests: patterns along geographic and environmental gradients. Applied Vegetation Science DOI: 10.1111/avsc.12124
Májeková, M., de Bello, F., Doležal, J. & Lepš, J. 2014. Plant Functional Traits as Determinants of Population Stability. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 95:446–450. [Photo gallery]
Prach K., Jírová A. and Doležal J. 2014. Pattern of old-field vegetation succession on a country scale. - Preslia 86: 119-130.
Carbonia, M., de Bello, F., Janeček, Š, Doležal, J., Horník, J., Lepš, J., Reitalud, T., Klimešová, J. 2014. Changes in trait divergence and convergence along a productivity gradient in wet meadows. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 182: 96–105.
Aschenbach, K., Conrad,R., Řeháková, K., Doležal, J., Janatková, K., Angel, R. 2013. Methanogens at the top of the world: occurrence and potential activity of methanogens in newly deglaciated soils in high-altitude cold deserts in the Western Himalayas. Frontiers in Microbiology 4, 359, 1-14.
Altman, J., Doležal, J., Černý, T., Song, JS. 2013. Forest response to increasing typhoon activity on the Korean peninsula: evidence from oak tree-rings. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12067
Černý T., Doležal J., Janeček Š.,Šrůtek M., Petřik P., Valachovič M., Altman J., Bartoš M., Song J-S. 2013. Environmental correlates of plant diversity in Korean temperate forests. Acta Oecologica 47: 37-45
Altman J., Hédl R., Szabó P., Mazůrek P., Riedl V., Müllerová J., Kopecký M. & Doležal J. 2013. Tree-rings mirror management legacy: dramatic response of standard oaks to past coppicing in Central Europe. PLOS ONE doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0055770.
Klimešová J., Doležal J., Prach K., Košnar J. 2013. Clonal growth forms in Arctic plants and their habitat preferences: a study from Petuniabukta, Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research 33: 421-442.
Doležal, J., Yakubov, V., Hara, T. 2013. Plant diversity changes and succession along resource availability and disturbance gradients in Kamchatka. Plant Ecology DOI 10.1007/s11258-013-0184-z
Chlumská, Z., Janeček, Š., Doležal, J. 2013. How to Preserve Plant Samples for Carbohydrate Analysis? Test of Suitable Methods Applicable in Remote Areas. Folia Geobotanica DOI 10.1007/s12224-013-9153-5
Janatková, K., Řeháková, K., Doležal, J., Šimek, M., Chlumská, Z., Dvorský, M., Kopecký, M. 2013. Community structure of soil phototrophs along environmental gradients in arid Himalaya. Environmental Microbiology DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.12132
Klimešová, J., Doležal, J.,Št’astná, P. 2013. Growth of the alpine herb Rumex alpinus over two decades: effect of climate fluctuations and local conditions. Plant Ecology. DOI 10.1007/s11258-013-0232-8
Klimešová, J., Mudrák, O., Doležal, J., Hájek, M., Dančák, M., Klimeš, L. 2013. Functional Traits in a Species-Rich Grassland and a Short-Term Change in Management: Is There a Competition-Colonization Trade-Off? Folia Geobotanica DOI 10.1007/s12224-013-9176-y
Doležal, J., Altman, J., Kopecký, M., Černý T., Janeček, S., Petřik P., Bartoš, M., Šrůtek M., Lepš J., Song J-S. 2012. Plant diversity changes during the postglacial in East Asia: insights from forest refugia on Halla Volcano, Jeju Island. PLoS ONE. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0033065
Štastná, P., Klimešová, J., Doležal, J. 2012. Altitudinal changes in the growth and allometry of Rumex alpinus. Alpine Botany 122: 35–44.
Macek, P., Klimeš, L., Adamec, L., Doležal, J., Chlumská, Z., de Bello, F., Dvorský, M., Řeháková, K. 2012. Plant Nutrient Content Does Not Simply Increase with Elevation under the Extreme Environmental Conditions of Ladakh, NW Himalaya. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 44, 1: 62–66.
de Bello, F., Janeček, Š., Lepš, J., Doležal, J., Macková, J., Lanta, V. & Klimešová, J. 2012. Different plant trait scaling in dry versus wet Central European meadows. Journal of Vegetation Science 23: 709–720.
Lanta V. Doležal, J., Zemková L., Lepš, J. 2012. Communities of different plant diversity respond similarly to drought stress: experimental evidence from field non-weeded and greenhouse conditions. Naturwissenschaften, DOI: 10.1007/s00114-012-0922-4
Janeček, Š., Riegert, J., Sedláček, O., Bartoš, M., Hořák, D., Reif, J., Padyšáková, E., Fainová, D., Antczak, M., Pešata, M., Mikeš V, Patáčová E, Altman, J., Kantorová, J., Hrázský, Z., Brom, J., Doležal, J. 2012. Food selection by avian floral visitors: an important aspect of plant–flower visitor interactions in West Africa. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2012.01943.x
Horník,J., Janeček, Š., Klimešová, J., Doležal, J., Janečková,P., Jiráská Š., Lanta V. 2012. Species-area curves revisited: the effects of model choice on parameter sensitivity to environmental, community, and individual plant characteristics Plant Ecology 213: 1675-1686, DOI: 10.1007/s11258-012-0123-4
Mudrák,O., Doležal, J., Hájek, M., Dančák, M., Klimeš, L., Klimešová, J. 2012. Plant seedlings in a species-rich meadow: effect of management, vegetation type and functional traits. Applied Vegetation Science. DOI: 10.1111/avsc.12001
Dvorský, M., Doležal, J., de Bello, F., Klimešová, J., Klimeš, L. 2011. Vegetation types of East Ladakh: species and growth form composition along main environmental gradients. Applied Vegetation Science 14: 132–147.
Klimešová, J., Doležal, J., Sammul, M. 2011. Evolutionary and organismic constraints on the relationship between spacer length and environmental conditions in clonal plants. Oikos 120: 1110-1120.
Doležal, J., Mašková, Z., Lepš, J.,Steinbachová D., de Bello, F., Klimešová, J., Tackenberg, O., Zemek, F., Květ, J. 2011. Positive long-term effect of mulching on species and functional trait diversity in a nutrient-poor mountain meadow in Central Europe. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 145: 10-28.
Mason, N. W.H., de Bello, F., Doležal, J., Lepš, J. 2011. Niche overlap reveals the effects of competition, disturbance and contrasting assembly processes in experimental grassland communities. - Journal of Ecology, 99: 788-796.
Klimešová, J., Doležal, J. 2011. Are clonal plants more frequent in cold environments than elsewhere? Plant Ecology & Diversity DOI: 10.1080/17550874.2011.586734
Lepš, J., de Bello, F., Šmilauer, P. and Doležal, J. 2011. Community trait response to environment: disentangling species turnover vs intraspecific trait variability effects. - Ecography, 34: 856-863
Klimešová J., Doležal J., Dvorský M., de Bello F., Klimeš L. 2011. Clonal Growth Forms in Eastern Ladakh, Western Himalayas: Classification and Habitat Preferences. Folia Geobotanica 46: 191-217.
Latzel V., Klimešová J., Doležal J., Pyšek P., Tackenberg O., Prach K. 2011. The association of dispersal and persistence traits of plants with vegetation succession in central European man-made habitats. Folia Geobotanica 46: 281-302.
Řeháková K., Chlumská Z., Doležal J. 2011. Soil cyanobacterial and microalgal diversity in dry mountains of Ladakh, NW Himalaya, as related to site, altitude, and vegetation. Microbial Ecology 62: 337-346.
Klimeš, L., Doležal, J. 2010. An experimental assessment of the upper elevational limit of flowering plants in the western Himalayas. Ecography 33: 590-596.
Klimešová, J., Janeček, Š., Bartůšková, A., Lanta, V., Doležal, J. 2010. How is Regeneration of Plants after Mowing Affected by Shoot Size in Two Species-Rich Meadows with Different Water Supply? Folia Geobotanica 45: 225-238.
Doležal, J., Ishii, H., Kyncl, T., Takahashi, K., Vetrova, V.P., Homma, K., Sumida, A., and Hara, T. 2010. Climatic factors affecting radial growth of Betula ermanii and Betula platypylla in Kamchatka. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40(2): 273–285.
Lamošová T., Doležal J., Lanta V., Lepš J. 2010. Spatial pattern affects diversity–productivity relationships in experimental meadow communities. Acta Oecologica 36: 325-332. doi:10.1016/j.actao.2010.02.005
Klimeš L., Jongepierová I., Doležal J., Klimešová J. 2010. Restoration of a species-rich meadow on arable land by transferring meadow blocks. Applied Vegetation Science DOI: 10.1111/j.1654-109X.2010.01084.x
Janeček, Š., Lanta, V., Klimešová, Doležal, J. 2010. Effect of abandonment and plant classification on carbohydrate reserves of meadow plants. Plant Biology 13: 243-251.
Doležal. J., Mazůrek, P., Klimešová, J. 2010. Oak decline in southern Moravia: the association between climate change and early and late wood formation in oaks. Preslia 82: 289-306.
Mašková, Z., Doležal, J., Květ, J., Zemek, F. 2009. Long-term functioning of a species-rich mountain meadow under different management regimes. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 132: 192-202.
Fortunel, C., Garnier, E., Joffre, R., Kazoukou, E., Quested, H., Grigulis, K., Lavorel, S., Ansquer, P., Castro, C., Cruz, P., Doležal, J., Eriksoon, O., Freitas, H., Golodet, C., Jouany, C., Kigel, J., Kleyer, M., Lehsten, V., Lepš, J., Meier, T., Pakeman, R., Papadimitriou, M., Papanastasis, V.P., Quetier, F., Robson, M., Sternberg, M., Theau, J.P., Thebault, A., Zarovali M. 2009. Leaf traits capture the effects of land use changes and climate on litter decomposability of grasslands across Europe. Ecology 90: 598–611.
Doležal, J., Song, JS., Altman, J., Janeček, Š., Černý, T., Šrůtek, M., Kolbek, J. 2009. Tree growth and competition in a post-logging Quercus mongolica forest on Mt. Sobaek, South Korea. Ecological Research 24:281-290.
Fortunel, C., Garnier, E., Joffre, R., Kazoukou, E., Quested, H., Grigulis, K., Lavorel, S., Ansquer, P., Castro, C., Cruz, P., Doležal, J., Eriksoon, O., Freitas, H., Golodet, C., Jouany, C., Kigel, J., Kleyer, M., Lehsten, V., Lepš, J., Meier, T., Pakeman, R., Papadimitriou, M., Papanastasis, V.P., Quetier, F., Robson, M., Sternberg, M., Theau, J.P., Thebault, A., Zarovali M. 2009. Leaf traits capture the effects of land use changes and climate on litter decomposability of grasslands across Europe. Ecology 90: 598–611.
Lanta,V., Doležal,J., Lantová,P., Kelíšek, J., Mudrák, O. 2009. Effects of pasture management and fertilizer regimes on botanical changes in species-rich mountain calcareous grassland in Central Europe. Grass and Forage Science 64: 443-453.
Doležal, J., Matsuki, S., Hara, T. 2009. Effects of dwarf-bamboo understory on tree seedling emergence and survival in a mixed-oak forest in northern Japan: a multi-site experimental study. Community Ecology 10: 225-235.
Lanta, V., Janeček, Š., Doležal, J. 2008. Radial growth and ring formation process in clonal plant Eriophorum angustifolium on post-mined peatland in the Sumava Mts., Czech Republic. Annales Botanici Fennici 45: 44-54.
Šrůtek, M., Doležal, J., Findlay, C.S., Andress, R.A. 2008. Regeneration and seedling-habitat relationships of the marginal population of pitch pine (Pinus rigida) after prescribed burning, eastern Ontario, Canada. Natural Areas Journal 28: 155-167.
Cremieux, L., Bischoff, A., Šmilauerová, M., Lawson, C.S., Mortimer, S.R., Doležal, J., Lanta, V., Edwards, A.R., Brook A.J., Tscheulin, T., Macel, M., Lepš, J., Müller-Schärer, H., Steinger, T. 2008. Potential contribution of natural enemies to patterns of local adaptation in plants. New Phytologist 180: 524-533.
Pakeman, R.J., Garnier, E., Lavorel, S., Ansquer, P., Castro, H., Cruz, P., Doležal, J., Eriksson, O., Freitas, H., Golodets, C., Kigel, J., Kleyer, M., Lepš, J., Meier, T., Papadimitriou, M., Papanastasis, V.P., Quested, H., Quetier, F., Rusch, G., Sternberg, M., Theau, J.P., Thebault, A., Vile, D. 2008. Impact of abundance weighting on the response of seed traits to climate and land use. Journal of Ecology 96: 355-366.
Macel, M., Lawson, C.S., Mortimer, S.R., Šmilauerová, M., Bischoff, A., Crémieux, L., Doležal, J., Edwards, A.R., Lanta, V., Bezemer, T.M., Van der Putten, W.H., Igual, J.M., Rodriguez-Barrueco, C., Müller-Schärer, H., Steinger, T. 2007. Climate vs. soil factors in local adaptation of two common plant species. Ecology 88: 424-433.
Lepš, J., Doležal, J., Bezemer, T.M., Brown, V.K., Hedlund, K., Igual, A.M., Jorgensen, H.B., Lawson, C.S., Mortimer, S.R., Peix Geldart, A., Rodriguez Barrueco, C., Santa Regina, I., Šmilauer, P., Van der Putten, W.H. 2007. Long-term effectiveness of sowing high and low diversity seed mixtures to enhance plant community development on ex-arable fields. Applied Vegetation Science 10: 97-110.
Garnier, E., Lavorel, S., Ansquer, P., Castro, H., Cruz, P., Doležal, J., Eriksson, O., Fortunel, C., Freitas, H., Golodets, C., Grigulis, K., Jouany, C., Kazakou, E., Kigel, J., Kleyer, M., Lehsten, V., Lepš, J., Meier, T., Pakeman, R., Papadimitriou, M., Papanastasis, V.P., Quested, H., Quetier, F., Robson, M., Roumet, C., Rusch, G., Skarpe, C., Sternberg, M., Theau, J.P., Thebault, A., Vile, D., Zarovali, M.P. 2007. Assessing the effects of land-use change on plant traits, communities and ecosystem functioning in grasslands: A standardized methodology and lessons from an application to 11 European sites. Annals of Botany 99: 967-985.
Bischoff, A., Cremieux, L., Šmilauerová, M., Lawson, C.S., Mortimer, S.R., Doležal, J., Lanta, V., Edwards, A.R., Brook, A.J., Macel, M., Lepš, J., Steinger, T., Müller-Schärer, H. 2006. Detecting local adaptation in widespread grassland species - the importance of scale and local plant community. Journal of Ecology 94: 1130-1142.
Doležal, J., Šrůtek, M., Hara, T., Sumida, A., Penttila, T. 2006. Neighborhood interactions influencing tree population dynamics in nonpyrogenous boreal forest in northern Finland. Plant Ecology 185: 135-150.
Chán, V., Růžička, V., Lepší, P., Boublík, K., Doležal, P., Ekrt, L., Hofhanzlová, E., Lepší, M., Lippl, L., Štech, M., Švarc, J., Žíla, V. 2005. Floristický materiál ke květeně Dačicka [Floristic contribution from the region around the town of Dačice]. – Acta Rer. Natur. 1: 17–44.
Doležal, J., Ishii, H., Vetrova, V.P., Sumida, A., Hara, T. 2004. Tree growth and competition in a Betula platyphylla-Larix cajanderi post-fire forest in central Kamchatka. Annals of Botany 94: 333-343.
Doležal J., Šťastná P., Hara T., Šrůtek M. 2004. Neighbourhood interactions and environmental factors influencing old-pasture succession in the Central Pyrenees. Journal of Vegetation Sciences 15: 101-108.
Šrůtek M., Doležal J., 2003. Functional interdependence between climatic factors, topographic processes and spatial patterns of species richness in mountain areas: a special case or the general pattern? Biologia 58: 823-832.
Doležal, J., Šrůtek, M. 2002. Altitudinal changes in composition and structure of mountain-temperate vegetation: a case study from the Western Carpathians. Plant Ecology 158: 201-221.
Šrůtek, M., Doležal, J., Hara, T. 2002. Spatial structure and associations in a Pinus canariensis population at the treeline, Pico del Teide, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 34: 201-210.
Šrůtek, M., Doležal, J., Hara, T. 2002. Spatial structure and associations in a Pinus canariensis population at the treeline, Pico del Teide, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Arctic Antartic and Alpine Research 34: 201-210.