Publications of students and staff
Marie Konečná
Number of records: 11
Gracia, C., Lisner, A., Applová, M., Chondol, T., Dolejšek, V., Janíková, E., Karpate, Y., Konečná, M., Papatheodoulou, A., Pedrós, L., Švancárová, T., Lepš, J., & Segrestin, J. 2025. Plant diversity loss has limited effects on below-ground biomass and traits but alters community short-term root production in a species-rich grassland. Journal of Ecology, 00, 1–10.
Lisner, A., Segrestin, J., Konečná, M., Blažek, P., Janíková, E., Applová, M., Švancárová, T., & Lepš, J. 2024. Why are plant communities stable? Disentangling the role of dominance, asynchrony and averaging effect following realistic species loss scenario. Journal of Ecology.
Janíková, E., Konečná, M., Lisner, A.,Applová, M., Blažek, P., E-Vojtkó, A., Götzenberger, L., & Lepš,J. 2024. Closely related species differ in their traits, but competition induces high intra-specific variability. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e70254.
Lisner, A., Konečná, M., Blažek, P., Lepš, J. 2023. Community biomass is driven by dominants and their characteristics–The insight from a field biodiversity experiment with realistic species loss scenario. Journal of Ecology, 111(1), 240-250.
Konečná, M., Lisner, A., Blažek, P., Pech, P., Lepš, J. 2023. Evaluation of seed-dispersal services by ants at a temperate pasture: Results of direct observations in an ant suppression experiment. Ecology and Evolution 13: e10569.
Konečná, M., Blažek, P., Fibich, P., Lisner, A., Pech, P., Lepš, J. 2021. Anthills as habitat islands in a sea of temperate pasture. Biodiversity and Conservation 30: 1081–1099.
Chytrý, M., Danihelka, J., Kaplan, Z., Wild, J., Holubová, D., Novotný, P., Řezníčková, M., Rohn, M., Dřevojan, P., Grulich, V., Klimešová, J., Lepš, J., Lososová, Z., Pergl, J., Sádlo, J., Smarda, P., Štěpánková, P., Tichý, L., Axmanová, I., Bartušková, A., Blažek, P., Chrtek, J., Fischer, FM., Wenyong, G., Herben, T., Janovský, Z., Konečná, M., Kühn, I., Moravcová, L., Petřík, P., Pierce, S., Prach, K., Prokešová, H., Štech, M., Těšitel, J., Těšitelová, T., Večeřa, M., Zelený, D., Pyšek, P. 2021. Pladias Database of the Czech Flora and Vegetation. Preslia 93: 1–87.
Hemrová, L., Kotilínek, M., Konečná, M., Paulič, R., Jersáková, J., Těšitelová, T., Knappová, J., Münzbergová, Z. 2019. Identification of drivers of landscape distribution of forest orchids using germination experiment and species distribution models. Oecologia
Konečná, M., Moos, M., Zahradníčková, Z., Šimek, P., Lepš, J. 2018. 2018. Tasty rewards for ants: diferences in elaiosome and seed metabolite profles are consistent across species and refect taxonomic relatedness. Oecologia
Szefer, P., Carmona, C. P., Chmel, K., Konečná, M., Libra, M., Molem, K., Novotný V., Segar S.T., Švamberková E., Topliceanu S-T., & Lepš, J. 2017. Determinants of litter decomposition rates in a tropical forest: functional traits, phylogeny and ecological succession. Oikos on line early
Kelemen, A., Lazzaro, L., Besnyői, V., Albert, A-J., Konečná, M., Dobay, G., Memelink, I., Adamec, V., Götzenberger, L., de Bello, F., Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y., Lepš, UJ. 2015. Net outcome of competition and facilitation in a wet meadow changes with plant’s life stage and community productivity. - Preslis 87(4):347-361