General Info
Head of the Department
Doc. Milan Štech, PhD.
tel. 389 032 373
e-mail: stech@prf.jcu.cz
Iva Weiterová
tel./fax 389 032 345
e-mail: iva@prf.jcu.cz
working hours: MO-FR 9-11,13-15
Dr. Jan Kučera
tel. 389 032 383,
e-mail: Jan.Kucera@prf.jcu.cz
working hours: TU 9-11, WE 9-10
No ecology seminar nearby.
The Department of Botany is responsible for the Botany Master‘s and Doctoral programmes, which covers the following branches: Phycology (supervised by J. Kaštovský), Mycology (supervised by M. Vašutová), Bryology (supervised by J. Kučera), Systematics of vascular plants (supervised by M. Štech), Population and community ecology (supervised by J. Lepš), Vegetation and restoration ecology (supervised by K. Prach) and Archeobotany (supervised by J. Beneš). The programs are officially approved for education in English. More information about study programs are available on web pages of the Faculty of Science.
The research covers all fields of botany and joints traditional approach with modern methodological possibilities. Solved projects have a wide scope from the taxonomic and eco-physiological aspects of plants, through plant populations and communities, to the ecosystem and landscape levels. A genetical laboratory was established in 2006 and many molecular techniques are available now.
The individual research projects are especially focused on: modern taxonomical approaches to cyanobacteria and and algae, bryophytes and vascular plants; ecology of fungi, interactions among populations in plant communities, research in underground organs of plants, ecological succession and restoration ecology. Research in taxonomy conducted by staff members contributes substantially to determination handbooks of general importance such as Süsswaserflora von Mitteleuropa, and Flora (vascular plants) of the Czech Republic. Research in ecology results also in wide impact publications.
The Department has close links to the Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences, in Třeboň (25 km from České Budějovice) and in Průhonice near Prague. Some staff members have part-time appointments at the Institute and those and students have the possibility to use the facilities of the both institutions; various joint research projects are conducted. Close contacts exist to various foreign institutions. Staff members are or recently were members of the editorial boards or associate editors of several international journals such as Journal of Applied Ecology, Journal of Vegetation Science, Restoration Ecology, Plant Ecology, Plant Biology, Community Ecology, Basic and Applied Ecology, Folia Geobotanica, Preslia, Web Ecology, Annales Botanici Fennici, Algological Studies, European Journal of Phycology, Polish Botanical Journal. The staff members participate or participated in several project of European Union and in other international projects.
An emphasis is placed on a broad field experience, in addition to the theoretical disciplines and experimental approaches. Various excursions are organised by the Department: one-day excursions inside the region, and weekly trips to attractive parts of the country, or to neighbouring landscapes (the Alps, the Carpathian Mts.). Longer excursions are arranged for the students to other biomes (Mediterranean region in Spain, Turkey and Italy, boreal and sub-Arctic zones in Scandinavia and northern Russia, steppe zone in Ukraine and Crimean Peninsula). Students are generally encouraged to spend at least some time in well known universities and institutes abroad and attend international conferences and workshops to present the results of their research efforts.