Publikace zaměstnanců a studentů
Jana Kailová
Počet záznamů: 2
Lepš, J., Brown, V.K., Len, T.A.D., Gormsen, D., Hedlund, K., Kailová, J., Korthals, G.W., Mortimer, S.R., Rodriguez-Barrueco, C., Roy, J., Regina, I.S., van Dijk, C., van der Putten, W.H. 2001. Separating the chance effect from other diversity effects in the functioning of plant communities. Oikos 92: 123-134.
Kailová, J. 2000. Directing succession: experimental sowing and transplantation of vegetation into abandoned field. In: White, P.S., Mucina, L., Lepš, J. (eds.) Vegetation science in retrospect and perspective. Proceedings of the 41th Symposium of IAVS. pp. 71-75. Opulus Press, Uppsala.